CPC/COC Review

课 1 

 Medical Terms Review

Basic word review

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  • Combining Forms

    Abdomin/o = abdomen

    Adip/o = fat

    Anter/o = front

    Cervic/o = neck (of the body or of the uterus)

    Chondr/o = cartilage

    Chrom/o = color

    Coccgy/o = coccyx (tailbone)

    Crani/o = skull

    Cyt/o = cell

    Dist/o = far, distant

    Dors/o = back portion of the body

    Hist/o = tissue

    Ili/o = ilium (upper part of the pelvic bone)

    Inguin/o = groin

    Kary/o = nucleus

    Later/o = side

    Lumb/o = lower back

    Medi/o = middle

    Nucle/o = nucleus

    Pelv/I = pelvis

    Poster/o = back, behind

    Proxim/o = nearest

    Sacr/o = sacrum

    Sarc/o = flesh

    Spin/o = spine, backbone

    The/o, theli/o = nipple

    Thorac/o = chest

    Trache/o = trachea, windpipe

    Umbilic/o = navel, umbilicus

    Ventr/o = belly side of the body

    Vertebr/o = vertebra(e), backbone(s)

    Viscer/o = internal organs




    Ana- = up

    Cata- = down

    Epi- = above

     hypo- = below

    Inter-= between

    Intra- = within

    Meta- = change




    -al = pertaining to

    -eal = pertaining to

    -ectomy = excision, removal

    -iac = pertaining to

    -ior = pertaining to   

    -ism = process, condition

    -oma = tumor

    -ose = pertaining to, full of

    -plasm = formation

    -somes = bodies

    -tomy = process of cutting, incision

    -type = picture

    Body Planes

    vertical plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions

    _____________Frontal (Coronal) plane_________________________


    Horizontal plane that divide the body into upper and lower portions

    _____________Sagittal (lateral) pane __________________________


    vertical plane that divides the body into right and left portions

    ______________Transverse (axial) plane_______________________


    positional and directional terms. 

    Front of the body ______Anterior (Ventral)______________________________

    Back of the body ______Posterior (Dorsal)_______________________________

    Away from the surface of the body ______Deep__________________________

    On the surface of the body ____Superficial______________________________

    Far from the point of attachment to the trunk or far from the beginning of a structure __Distal________

    Neat the point of attachment to the trunk or near the beginning of a structure _Proximal_____________

    Below another structure _________Inferior______________________

    Above another structure _________Superior_______________________


    Pertaining to the side ___Lateral_______________________________

    Pertaining to the middle _Medial_______________________________

    Lying on the belly ____Prone_________

    Lying on the back   ___Supine_________

  • Noun Suffixes

    -algia = pain

    -cele = hernia

    -centesis = surgical puncture to remove fluid

    -coccus (-cocci) = berry-shaped, bacterium

    -cyte =  cell

    -dynia = pain

    -ectomy = excision, removal, resection

    -emia = blood condition

    -er = one who

    -genesis = condition of producing, forming  

    - gram = record

    -graph = instrument for recoding              

    -graphy = process of recording

    -ia = condition

    -ist = specialist

    -itis = inflammation

    -logy = study of

    -lysis = breakdown, destruction, separation

    -malacia = softening

    -megaly = enlargement

    -ole = little, small

    -oma =  tumor, mass, collection of fluid

    -opsy = to view

    -osis = condition, usually abnormal

    -pathy = disease condition

    -penia = deficiency



    -phobia = fear

    -plasia = development, formation, growth

    -plasty = surgical repair

    -ptosis = dropping, failing, prolapse

    -rrhea = flow; discharge

    -sclerosis = hardening

    -scope = instrument for visual examination

    -scopy = process of visual examination

    -stasis = controlling, stopping

    -stomy = opening to form a mouth (stoma)

    -therapy = treatment

    -tomy = incision, cutting into

    -trophy = development, nourishment

    -ule = little, small

    -um, -ium = structure, tissue

    -us = structure, substance

    -y = condition, process


    Adjective Suffixes

    -ac, -iac = pertaining to

    -al = pertaining to

    -ar = pertaining to

    -ary = pertaining to

    -eal = pertaining to

    -genic = pertaining to producing

    -ic, -ical = pertaining to

    -oid = resembling derived from

    -ose = pertaining to, full of

    -ous = pertaining to

    -tic = pertaining to    

    Combining Forms

    Abdomen/o = abdomen

    Acr/o = extremities, top, extreme point

    Aden/o = gland

    Adip/o = fat

    Amni/o = amnion

    Angi/o = vessel

    Arteri/o =artery

    Arthr/o = joint

    Axill/o = armpit

    Bi/o = life

    Blephar/o = eyelid

    Broch/o = bronchial tubes

    Carcin/o = cancer

    Cardi/o = heart

    Chem/o = drug, chemical

    Chondr/o = cartilage

    Chron/o = time

    Col/o =colon (large intestine)

    Cyst/o = urinary bladder

    Encephal/o = brain

    Erythr/o = red

    Hem/o = blood

    Hepat/o = liver

    Hydr/o = water, fluid

    Inguin/o = groin

    Isch /o = to hold back

    Lapar/o = abdomen, abdominal wall

    Laryng/o = larynx

    Leuk/o = white

    Lymph/o = lymph

    Mamm/o = breast

    Mast/o = breast

    Morph/o = shape, form

    Muc/o = mucus

    My/o = muscle

    Myle/o = spinal cord, bone marrow

    Necr/o = death

    Nephr/o = kidney

    Neur/o = nerve

    Neutr/o = neutrophil (a white blood cell)

    Nucle/o = nucleus

    Ophthalm/o = eye

    Oste/o = bone

    Ot/o = ear

    Path/o = disease

    Peritone/o = peritoneum

    Phag/o = to eat, swallow

    Phleb/o = vein

    Plas/o = formation, development

    Pleur/o = pleura

    Pneumon/o = lungs

    Pulmon/o = lungs

    Radi/o = x-rays

    Rect/o = rectum

    Ren/o = kidney

    Rhin/o = nose

    Sarc/o = flesh

    Splen/o = spleen

    Staphyl/o = clusters

    Strept/o = twisted chains

    Thorac/o = chest

    Thromb/o = clot

    Tonsill/o= tonsils

    Trache/o = trachea (windpipe)

    Ven/o = vein

    Give the medical term for the following blood cells.

    Red blood cell _______Erythrocyte____________________________________

    Clotting cell _________Thrombocyte or Platelet__________________________

    White blood cell ______Leukocytes____________________________________

    Name five different types of white blood cells (the first letter is given).






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