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    Teams differ in many other important ways, such as the degree of independence of the members, the level of involvement,

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    leadership politics, and standardization in the team. Traditional, lean production, self-managing, and flexible teams can be distinguished from the aforementioned characteristics.



    Working in a team has an impact on every employee who is a team member. The positive impact includes increased motivation, devotion to the company, improved self-management skills, and job satisfaction. The unfavorable outcome is stress.



    Effective leadership is a critical component of effective teamwork. The self-management of the team, and especially the team leader, has a strong positive effect on the outcome of the team's work. That is, the more autonomous the team operates, the better the results. The reason for this is that it allows everyone on the team to be more active in managing the assigned task. Little independence, on the other hand, would result in lower motivation and worse outcomes. Effective leadership benefits the team in two ways: it encourages team activity when the team's autonomy is low, and it increases the autonomy of the team's members, encouraging them to take on more responsibility than they did previously (Parker S.K., Williams H.M., 21).



    Working in a team, especially one that manages itself, has numerous advantages, including:



    increased productivity;



    improved decision-making;



    cost savings;



    more creativity;







    more inspiration;



    superior quality;



    fewer workers



    However, in order to reap the benefits of teamwork, the team must possess certain core characteristics, such as being a group with its own identity and organizational function, as well as sharing goals and objectives. Furthermore, team members must play different roles in order to complete the team's task (Campion, M. A., Medsker, G. J., & Higgs, A. C., 1993). Productivity, job satisfaction, commitment to the job, low turnover, low absence, and the ability to continue working together are all criteria for measuring team effectiveness. The criteria are inextricably linked. For example, in companies where employees are more satisfied with their jobs, they tend to work harder and show more dedication to their jobs. It also leads to less stress, less absence, and less turnover, especially over time (Cavanaugh, Boswell, Roehling & Bourdreau, 20).



    The importance of each worker's well-being within a team cannot be overstated. It is highly dependent on a worker's level of autonomy within a team. People work better in self-managed teams, despite having more responsibility. It is because they have more control over decision-making, which increases their creative thinking and allows them to share ideas that they would not share if they were working under external pressure. Self-managing teams develop their own problem-solving strategies that are far more effective than those proposed by anyone outside the team (Tesluk, P.E., Mathieu, J.E., 1















    However, it is important to remember that the team, no matter how effective it is, faces numerous challenges at all times. First, teams can experience anxiety, especially if the participants have previously worked in an environment with limited autonomy and motivation. The overall work system change may be painful for them, and it may take some time for them to adjust, as working in a team necessitates changing their thinking. Second, team members should be open to and embrace change, understanding that it is the key to growth and that nothing is possible without it. In this situation, a strong motivated leader who is willing to accept challenges and change his thinking is required. He will encourage the team not to be afraid of the change in work and to view it as a challenge that offers many opportunities and benefits rather than a stressful situation.





    The difficulties of teamwork are considerable. The first is that getting started as a team is difficult. The team members argumentative essay writer do not always know each other well enough to work well together. Every team member should have time to introduce himself/herself at the start of every work project. The next step would be a brainstorming session, during which the team could decide how to solve the problem or manage the assigned task. Another issue arises: even if the team works together, tasks should be assigned to team members based on their knowledge, skills, and potential. The tasks should be assigned in a way that encourages everyone to do their best.



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    Another challenge of group work is miscommunication or ineffective communication. It is not uncommon for members of a group to be unable to effectively communicate their ideas to one another. A possible solution to this problem is to incorporate more brainstorming into the group's work. If this does not result in sufficient improvements, group members should be assigned individual tasks and meet later to discuss the results of their work. This way, each group member has a chance to think about the subject and try to understand it better while brainstorming ways to work on it with others.



    Another issue is members who do not contribute to teamwork. It is as serious as the issue of dominant personalities. In any case, some people don't participate, don't share their ideas, and don't contribute to the team's progress, which slows down the work.



    Conflict among team members is another issue that can completely halt the group's work. Each conflict should be resolved peacefully and with consideration for all team members. Each individual has the right to be heard and understood. If the tension is too high, it is preferable to schedule a meeting when everyone is calm and willing to cooperate.



    Working in a team is not as simple as it appears at first glance; many challenges arise along the way, some of which cannot be predicted. However, if people in a team are motivated and focused on their work, they can succeed as long as they have a strong motivated leader who serves as an example and a role model for everyone in the team.





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