Piper Burke

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 Five Technologies To Look Forward

the transformation of information from the conventional

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    There's no wonder that the technological advancements have a significant impact on our lives. From navigation of apps, to guide you home safely, everywhere technology is playing a significant role.

    However, technology in healthcare industry is transforming convenience, patient communication, improving diagnosis levels and prove to be life-saving.

    The key technologies are providing the foundation for many booming healthcare innovations that are disrupting the industry. To keep pace with this continuous transformation, healthcare organization will need to embrace new technologies that will improve health outcomes, make it cost-effective, and provide value-based care.


    As healthcare shifts to a model of any-time, any-place, continuous and personalized care, it is essential to analyze the prime technologies that will redefine the future of healthcare segment in 2018.

    " We believe consumer health technologies - apps, wearables, self-diagnosis tools - have the potential to strengthen the patient-physician connection and improve health outcomes."

    - Dr. Glen Stream, Chairman, Family Medicine for America's Health

    The emerging new technologies combined with the variety of new drivers that include technology-centric transformation not only leads to cost reduction but also ensures value-based care in the healthcare industry.

    Healthcare industry has been impacted in a substantial positive way in case of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

    According to a study from the University of Michigan, the transformation of information from the conventional paper to electronic health records through digitization reduces the cost of outpatient care by 3%. These researchers estimated this as $5.14 in savings per patient each month.

    Healthcare industry is facing revolutionary changes, looking out for the innovative ways to deliver the best patient outcomes while eliminating the dramatic healthcare expenses. What does the future of healthcare hold in 2018? Let's look at six promising technology ready to transform the healthcare environment.

    Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence plays an integral role in reshaping healthcare. The adoption of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry is gaining momentum and solving a variety of problems of patients, hospitals, and healthcare industry faces.

    It will provide much of the bedrock by powering predictive analytics and clinical decision support tools that help the providers into problems long before they might otherwise recognize the need to act.

    Nowadays every patient is digitally empowered and prefer personalized care that has more accountability and is also more affordable. Artificial Intelligence does have numerous implications on various fields of the healthcare industry that includes disease management, clinical trials, diagnosis and treatment, patient engagement, monitoring of the patient, and wellness management.

    AI is dominating healthcare treatments, such as making better treatment plans, assessing data to provide customized medication, and monitor procedures.

    Artificial Intelligence

    AI has the potentiality to track the chronic diseases through MRI, CT scans, ultrasound and x-rays, and thus saving the time of the patients to wait for a diagnosis from weeks to a few hours.

    According to a 2016 report from CB Insights, about 86% of healthcare provider organizations, life science companies, and technology vendors are adopting artificial intelligence technology in healthcare. By 2020, these organizations will spend an average of $54 million on artificial intelligence projects.

    Let's look at some of the ways how AI is redefining the healthcare industry:

    AI helps in compiling and analyzing information (medical records, patient information, and treatment history) using artificial intelligence and digital automation. Robots collect, complextime store, re-format, and trace data to provide quick delivery of healthcare services.

    Analyzing tests, X-Rays, CT scans, data entry, and other tedious tasks can all be done faster and more precisely by robots.

    Artificial intelligence systems have been designed to analyze data, assess the reports from a patient's file, and thus help them to choose a suitable treatment plan. With the power of AI, early detection of life-threatening disease is possible.

    AI helps in monitoring patient's fitness level and send health updates to the respective provider to improve or alter patient's treatment plans.


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