Abraham Vargas

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 Igntion casino - Which Would You Rather Have in a Relationship

Igntion casino - Which Would You Rather Have in a Relationship

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    Igntion casino - Which Would You Rather Have in a Relationship

    A friend recently asked me to igntion casino joy and fun. I thought for a moment and started with what I believe what fun is. In my humble opinion, fun is something that is temporary, it only last for a moment. When I think of fun i think of kids, vicariously playing and laughing, keeping them selves amused.

    There is nothing wrong with fun, it brings that temporary moment of amusement to break up the boredom of the moment. Fun is great for entertainment, but soon there after you must get back to reality. Children love to have fun and they should, they are children and they should be allowed to run free, play and enjoy this thing we call fun. When I thought about looking at how fun is defined, I was surprised at how on target I was with the definition, take a look:

    fun [fuhn]


    1. something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun.

    2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun.

    -verb (used without object), verb (used with object)

    3. Informal. joke; kid.

    Looking at this word in its noun and verb form really does my first definition some justice, with that being said, lets look at fun in relationships.

    I love to have fun, in fact, many would probably say that I'm a boring person because when fun time is over, I get right to work on adult matters. I can't stay in the state of amusement, joking, and being playful for extended periods of time. I believe there is time and a place for everything. When either party in a relationship constantly expresses they are not having fun or we don't do fun things to gather, I often wonder is their any joy in the relationship. We shall define Joy, latter in this article.

    As I warm my car in the parking lot and I see the children playing in the park, they are truly having fun. There is no care or worry about rent, mortgage or responsibilities. Sooner or later, their parents will round them up, and take them home for the day. Fun has a way of relieving us or making us leave behind our adult lives for a moment to be amused and playful with those we are having fun with. I'm my opinion, something is missing when adults are preoccupied with and focused on having much fun and amusement, especially in a relationship.

    A well-known singer wrote a song and the lyrics said " Girls just want to have fun". That's my intro; many relationships are stressed when the amusement, the playfulness never seems to end and there is a serious matter that needs attention. There is a time to be adults, but in this time, that's boring for many couples too busy having fin and being amused. Everybody wants to have a fun-filled relationship, when fun is only amusement and play that's for a moment, is it any wonder why many relationships walk down the road of contention because no one wants to grow up.

    Relationships, become out of balance when, one has matured and desires more lasting things like joy. I seldom hear married couples or those in a committed relationship talk about joy. Does it not exist? Yes it does.

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