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 Through the Eyes of Students

The era of modern learning has arrived. It is no longer a question of whether

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    The era of modern learning has arrived. It is no longer a question of whether we want to integrate technology and education; it is necessary. The reality poses major problems and threats to the old educational institutions, which have remained largely unchanged for almost a century. Who would have thought that the letter "E" of the alphabet would change the face of e-education forever?


    Educational technology has evolved from basic tools such as abacus, pencil, ruler, paper and calculator to computers, laptops, iPads, tablets, software and applications. Only technological progress is forcing the way teachers teach, the way students learn, the way schools are structured, and the way barriers between family and school life are overcome. In essence, technology influences the future nature of humanity.


    Digital Natives: A Generation Committed to Learning with Technology


    The importance and emergence of technology in the world applies to all aspects of life, including the way we learn. It seems that the days of "reading the manual, reading the next page and answering the questions" are largely a thing of the past.


    As educational institutions resist and adapt, it is very important to pay attention to the learning needs of today's digital natives. Digital natives are those born during or after the introduction and adoption of digital technologies.


    This generation is not only used to advances in technology and devices, they expect it. Therefore, drastic measures must be taken to meet the learning expectations of students. The key is to adapt to an uncertain, modern, changing and dynamic global world.


    Key technologies and learning portals


    Technological advances will make education accessible to all, personalized, individualized and highly adaptable. In essence, learning with technology promotes self-learning.


    Now more than ever, students have the ability to personalize and navigate knowledge portals using core technologies such as the Internet, open resources, virtual learning environments, and mobile learning devices. Open sources include the MOOC and Web 2.0.


    Massively open online courses give students the autonomy and flexibility to choose what they want to study. Web 2.0 is simply the way new web pages are designed and used. Students have a variety of choices through the use of open resources through various mobile learning resources.


    A virtual learning environment will only enhance the learning experience by being fun and interactive. Students have different learning resources to do their homework and get feedback. Therefore, the learning will be more interactive and interesting.


    One-on-one learning and bring your own device (BYOD)


    The role of the teacher will change to monitor and provide feedback at an unprecedented pace. The technology will of course also be used by teachers in many self-study works, projects, presentations, etc. students through learning analysis. Learning Analytics is an accumulation of data created to continuously assess and accurately track student learning.


    Digital natives choose their own tools to learn in the world of cloud computing and the internet. You live in an online world with digital information skills. Their reality includes learning through educational games and virtual learning platforms. You live in a world where the physical and the virtual are fused.


    Learning with technology from a student's perspective


    What do children think of technology and learning? How often do we really ask for their thoughts and opinions? Do we really think about how and what they want to learn? Should what they say really affect the way we make decisions as educators? Personally, I believe they add value to the decision-making table.


    My sister-in-law is a 8th grade social science teacher in a high school. In conversations with him, he mentioned the different ways in which he has integrated technology into learning. What really mattered to me was his commentary on how students use technology as easily as breathing.

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